Charla: “Machine intelligence evaluation: from the Turing Test to the present day (and beyond)”

El próximo jueves 25 de octubre a las 12:30 en el salón de actos de la ETSINF, dentro de las actividades en conmemoración del centenario del nacimiento de Alan Turing, el profesor José Hernández Orallo, realizará una charla sobre «Machine intelligence evaluation: from the Turing Test to the present day (and beyond)»


We will take a jaunt into the problem of artificial intelligence evaluation, from Turing’s imitation game (also known as the «Turing Test») to the present day. We will choose a broad perspective of intelligence measurement, in the context of the evaluation of human intelligence (psychometrics), the evaluation of animal intelligence (comparative psychology) and the –more or less anthropocentric– approaches to the evaluation of machine intelligence. From here, we will introduce the concept of ‘universal psychometrics’, as a way of evaluating machines, humans and non-human animals under the same principles. We will ask whether such a discipline is even feasible and whether it will be able to solve the challenges which are expected to come in the following decades. As a result, we will vindicate non-anthropocentric foundations for intelligence evaluation based on computation theory and (algorithmic) information theory.