PAPIs Connect – Europe’s top machine learning event for decision makers – March 14-15, 2016 – Valencia, Spain
PAPIs Connect is the sister event to PAPIs, the International Conference on Predictive APIs and Apps. It focuses on how machine learning and artificial intelligence are used by companies (big and small) to create predictive apps that solve real-world problems. Typical examples are: predicting customer needs and actions, task automation, predictive maintenance, priority detection, demand prediction, etc.
Leaders from around the world will fly to Valencia to share practical presentations of innovations and business cases, where they have used machine learning to create value from their organizations’ data. Connect makes it easy to chat with speakers, other attendees and technology providers over drinks & food, and during networking events that will coincide with the Valencian Las Fallas!
Official website: http://www.papis.io/connect
Twitter: @papisdotio #papisconnect
We are looking for motivated volunteers to help make this a top conference! We have various roles where you could fit in: welcoming attendees (registration desk & general help), community management (mainly Twitter), covering talks with write-ups, taking photos, recording video interviews, etc. Note that it is important for some of these roles to have at least some technical knowledge.
In exchange for their help, volunteers will be able to attend the conference for free and go to presentations in their free time. We are aiming to give each volunteer the possibility to attend as many talks as possible. The more volunteers there are, the more free time they will have to attend the presentations! As a volunteer, you will also help support the conference and have the opportunity to meet and learn from experts, industry professionals, thought leaders, and each other.
Please let us know as soon as possible if you are interested in being a PAPIs volunteer by filling in this form and telling us about your abilities and your interests (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bPd_869r2vVvJuWu8xpwpowcqHx8ydlNApO-yHYmykw/viewform?usp=send_form).