El próximo miércoles a las 18:00 en el aula 1G 0.0 se realiza la charla: Information Security and Cyber Security por Ardie Kleijn, que ha sido durante 20 años chief information security officer de la policía holandesa, una fuerza de más de 65000 miembros en más de 500 localizaciones. La charla se realiza en formato PRESENCIAL.

EL aforo es limitado, los asistentes deben apuntarse en el siguiente enlace antes del 30/6 a las 15:00.
Ardie Kleijn. Over 20 years of experience in managing Information Security and Cyber Security. Former CISO of the Dutch National Police, a force of 65.000 people and more than 500 locations. Since February CISO of Transavia, a Dutch airline.
Based on my experience I developed an approach how to connect two worlds, being business and IT on security. Thus, making management responsible for security and business continuity by speaking their language.
The approach is not just theory, it is an actual implementation within the Dutch Police, and is been studied by Gartner and deemed as the only working approach.
In my presentation I will show you the quest taken and the elements of the approach. The approach is written down in my book ‘How to Create a Risk-Aware Culture and Empowerment’, e-book available via Amazon.