El próximo viernes 13 de diciembre a las 12:00 en el salón de actos de la ETSINF, Noah Gift imparte la charla «Radical Ideas in AI Ethics»

Radical Ideas in AI Ethics
Most conversations around AI Ethics focus on framing by Big Tech. The result is that problems that are asy to resolve by a profit motive are the only issues discussed. This talk reframes the discussion starting with the history of human rights from the American and French Revolution. Different ethical ideas are presented including, the right to privacy, the right to sovereignty of your government vs Big Tech, the right to consent for use of intellectual property, the right to own genetic and biometric information, as well as the right to be protected from the negative externalities of algorithms like social media disinformation and misinformation resulting in real-world loss of property and human life.

Noah Gift builds and trains teams, companies and individuals. He creates products, content, software and revenue. He specializes in Cloud-Native Machine Learning Solutions and education. In the last 10 years, Noah has created new products at multiple companies that generated millions in new revenue, had global scale, and were on time and worked. He lectures in Machine Learning, Cloud Architecture and Data Science at the top Universities in the world.