Anuncio de charla: «Infrastructure 2.0 with AWS»

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Dentro del progama de charlas en colaboración con Xplora group, el próximo jueves 25 de febrero a las 12:30 y por el canal de Youtube de la escuela, se imparte el taller «Infrastructure 2.0 with AWS» por Bey Lenen de Gluo.

La inscripción a la charla es obligatoria (


Gluo is a company that believes in cloud, automation, infrastructure-
as-code, linux, DevOps culture, the right tools for the right job. This
workshop is very very practical and focused on getting students
involved in those technologies.

With the infrastructure 2.0 workshop we prove that infrastructure is
evolving. We do this by letting students deploy a sample application
the manual way, using the command line in an AWS cloud instance.

Summed up contents

In this workshop we’ll discover the following AWS services:

  • Cloud instances: EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) instances and Security Groups
  • Cloud databases: DynamoDB
  • Cloud load balancers: ELB (Elastic Load balancers)
  • Cloud storage: S3 (Simple Storage Service)
  • Cloud DNS: Route53
  • Cloud scaling: ASG (autoscaling group) and LC (Launch Configuration)
  • Cloud scripting: Cloudformation

Target group

This workshop is very much an introduction to Cloud Computing and AWS, meant for beginners and students. If you’re already familiar with other Cloud vendors like Microsoft’s Azure or Google Cloud, this will also be up your ally but might be too slow and «holding hands» a bit too much.

We do list every command you need to execute, but knowledge and some basic experience with the Linux commandline is required.