Student IT job position- E&C Consultancy

We are E&C Consultants, an international energy procurement consultancy. We guide large international companies in buying energy across the globe.

That means setting up strategies for buying and greening that energy, negotiate contracts with energy suppliers…
We are looking for a student for our internal helpdesk

We are currently looking for an engaged student open to work part – time as an parttime IT Support Engineer for our internal helpdesk

  • studying a degree in informatics, preferably in IT infrastructure;
  • available at least 20H per week (Monday – Friday);
  • student can choose if he want to work in the morning or in the afternoon;
  • proficient in English;
  • quick learner who can work as a team member in a fast-paced international environment

Our website:

The job position:

Seminario «Social Networks in a Graph Theory and Game Theory perspective». 11 y 12 de Marzo

Image result for Social Networks in a Graph Theory and Game Theory perspective.


El Máster Universitario en Ingeniería y Tecnología de Sistemas Software del DSIC organiza un seminario de 6 horas de introducción sobre «Social Networks in a Graph Theory and Game Theory perspective» asociado a la asignatura «Extracción de Información Desde la Red Social» . El seminario será impartido por el profesor Jan Arne Telle de la Universidad de Bergen.  El seminario se desarrollará el miércoles 11 de marzo de 17:15 a 21, y el jueves 12 de marzo de 17 a 18:30, en la Sala de Juntas del DSIC. Para la asistencia al curso es necesaria la inscripción. Las plazas son limitadas. Inscripción abierta hasta el 5 de marzo (incluido).

Formulario de inscripción

Seminario: Social Networks in a Graph Theory and Game Theory perspective.

Drawing on ideas from economics, sociology, computer science and applied mathematics, we describe the emerging field of study that is growing at the interface of all these areas, addressing fundamental questions about how the social, economic, and technological worlds are connected. We will draw on graph theory and game theory to cover topics like the structure of the Web and its use by search engines, pricing of search engine ads, social contagion, the small-world phenomenon, rich-get-richer effects, the spread of social power and popularity, information cascades etc. The seminar is based on the textbook ‘Networks, Crowds and Markets’ by Jon Kleinberg and David Easley.

Jan Arne Telle is a Professor and member of the Algorithms Research Group at the University of Bergen in Norway. He is a computer scientist with broad research interests mainly within the areas of algorithms, computational complexity, combinatorics and its applications. Much of his work concerns the search for hidden structure in input data and the efficient use of this to solve hard computational problems. For example, a recent paper in JAIR (Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research) improves the state of the art for the model counting problem by techniques coming from modern graph decompositions. He has also worked on models for the design of efficient and scalable parallel algorithms. Recently an interest in machine learning, based on big data, has led to an investigation of machine teaching, based on carefully selected data.

Visita guiada a AIDIMME, 12 de junio – Inscríbete ya

Visita guiada a AIDIMME, Instituto Tecnológico Metalmecánico, Mueble, Madera, Embalaje y Afines.

AIDIMME es fruto de la fusión de:

-AIDIMA. Instituto Tecnológico del Mueble, Madera, Embalaje y Afines.

-AIMME. Instituto Tecnológico Metalmecánico.

Su fin es contribuir a incrementar la competitividad de los sectores metal-mecánico, mueble, madera, embalaje y afines, fundamentalmente en el ámbito del diseño y desarrollo de productos y materiales innovadores, procesos avanzados y sostenibles de aprovisionamiento, fabricación, logística, distribución y servicios, así como de las empresas de otros sectores de su entorno, como es el caso del hábitat, bienes de equipo, automoción y movilidad, bienes de consumo, salud, turismo, etc.

Conoceremos las instalaciones: sección nuevos procesos, impresoras 3D, laboratorio de física y química, … guiados por Javier Turegano, presidente de Alumni y responsable de embalaje en AIDIMME.

Apúntate el próximo miércoles 12 de junio a las 11:30 h a la visita de AIDIMME en el Parque Tecnológico de Paterna.



Anuncio de charla: NASA Langley Research Center

El próximo lunes 25 de septiembre a las 12:30h, en el salón de actos del edificio 1H de l’Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Informàtica, Laura Titolo y Marco Feliu, miembros del grupo de investigación en métodos formales de NASA Langley, imparten un par de charlas sobre las tareas que están desarrollando actualmente en este centro de investigación de la NASA.


Formal methods for safety-critical avionics systems

Part 1: Dr. Laura Titolo
Static Analysis of Floating-Point Programs by Abstract Interpretation
Floating-point arithmetic is an efficient solution for approximating computations on real numbers, which has been extensively used over the past decades in a wide range of applications. The main drawback of floating-point computation is the presence of round-off errors that can make the final floating-point result very different from the one that would be obtained by using real arithmetic. This issue becomes problematic for safety-critical applications, such as aerospace and air-traffic control software. In fact, for these applications, even a small error can lead to catastrophic consequences. For this reason, it becomes essential to estimate the round-off error of floating-point computations in a sound and certified way.
In this presentation, a static analysis framework based on abstract interpretation is presented to deal with this problem.
The static analyzer PRECISA (Program Round-off Error Certifier vIa Static Analysis) implements this technique and automatically computes an over-approximation for the round-off error of an input program. In addition, it provides a certificate that can be externally checked by a theorem prover that ensures its soundness.
PRECISA has several features: it is fully-automatic, it is certified via PVS, it is able to deal with a wide variety of arithmetic functions, even non-continuous ones, it can handle the intrinsical instability of conditionals (if-then-else) and recursion in a sound way, and it is modular, supporting scalable analysis of complex programs.
Laura Titolo is a postdoctoral research scholar at the National Institute of Aerospace (Hampton, VA, USA) and member of the NASA Langley Formal Methods Team.
She received her PhD in Computer Science from the University of Udine in May 2014.
Her research interest include abstract interpretation, static analysis, automatic verification of hybrid systems, and numerical analysis of floating-point programs.
Part 2: Dr. Marco Feliu
Verification-driven development of ICAROUS based on automatic reachability analysis

The Integrated and Configurable Algorithms for Reliable Operations of Unmanned Systems (ICAROUS) is a software architecture being developed for the robust integration of mission-specific software modules and highly assured core software modules.
This talk presents the use of automatic reachability analysis during the development of ICAROUS, as a first step towards a broader formal verification effort of the software architecture.
It shows how simulation based on state-space exploration and LTL model checking has been performed on a formal executable specification of the system in rewriting logic.
Overall, this effort has unveiled issues such as deadlocks and undesired behavior, and has helped improve the ICAROUS design and source code.
Short bio:
Marco A. Feliu is a postdoctoral research scholar at the National Institute of Aerospace (Hampton, VA, USA) and member of the NASA Langley Formal Methods Team.
He received his PhD in Computer Science from the Universitat Politecnica of Valencia in October 2013.
His research interests include declarative programming languages, program analysis, and synthesis.

Valencian Summer School in Machine Learning

Valencian Summer School in Machine Learning

September 14-15, 2017, Valencia, Spain

Machine Learning is enabling a transformation in the software industry without precedents. New Machine Learning powered predictive applications are performing jobs that so far were considered exclusive to highly skilled humans. We are already witnessing a new wave of productivity growth that is changing the face of all sectors of the economy.

BigML is bringing the third edition of our Summer School in Machine Learning to Valencia. We will hold a two-day course for advanced undergraduates as well as graduate students, and industry practitioners seeking a quick, practical, and hands-on introduction to Machine Learning. The Summer School will serve as a good introduction to the kind of work that students can expect if they enroll in advanced Machine Learning masters.

Internship en Telefónica Research

Telefónica Research  está interesada en estudiantes de máster o doctorado relacionados con  informática con los conocimientos siguientes:

We are looking for someone who is good in making sense of data, analytical skills (pandas, R, etc.), and who can commit to the project during this summer or fall.

Es aconsejable tener experiencia en investigación, ya que el estudiante se integraría en equipos de trabajo que están desarrollando proyectos de investigación en temas de Smart Cities y Big Data para Telefónica Research.

La beca se desarrollaría en las oficinas de la empresa en Barcelona durante este verano/otoño. La beca está dotada con una bolsa económica.

Los interesados deben enviar su CV en inglés antes del martes 20 de junio (incluido) a la dirección «» con el asunto «Beca Telefónica Research»

Internship en Honda Research Japan

Honda Research está interesada en estudiantes de máster o doctorado relacionados con  informática con los conocimientos siguientes:

Programming Skills

C++    (Solid background)

Python, Networking,  others.

Preferred Skills:

Machine Learning, Neural Networks (Tensorflow or similar framework), Image Processing, and/or any general experience in Artificial Intelligence.

La internship será de 6 a 8 meses en el Honda Research Institute Japan Co., Ltd.. Ellos se encargarían del desplazamiento, el alojamiento y la manutención.

Los interesados deben enviar su CV en inglés antes del martes 20 de junio (incluido) a la dirección «» con el asunto «Beca Honda»