Anuncio Charla de Phil McMinn, Sala de Juntas DSIC, miércoles 6/6/2012 a las 10.30

Este miércoles 6 de junio a las 10.30 en la Sala de Juntas, Phil McMinn (, del University of Sheffield impartirá la charla titulada:

The Human Oracle Cost Problem

A software test oracle is a device that can determine, given a set of
inputs and outputs for a program, whether the outputs were correct or
not. Automated oracles may take the form of formal specifications,
contracts or assertions. However, in practice, automated oracles tend
not to exist, with test cases evaluated manually by a human. Although
this situation is most commonly the case, most software testing research
to date fails to take into account that, although parts of the software
testing process may be automated, it is a human that must ultimately
evaluate test cases that are produced by a particular technique. As a
result, for example, test data produced by automatic test data
generators tend to be arbitrary-looking and a poor fit with the
program’s real operational profile, adding a significant overhead to the
time taken for manual evaluation. This talk is about recent research
which attempts to lower the costs of human evaluation of test cases —
the so-called Human Oracle Cost problem.