Support Engineer at Carmenta


At Carmenta Public Safety and Security Systems, we work with long-term customer relationships and technology solutions for critical societal functions. Our customers’ mission is to save lives, and we are driven by the opportunities to facilitate and streamline their task. Our customers are primarily in organisations responsible for emergency response for land and sea, as well as ambulance routing. Overall, our systems can be found in 12 countries and manage on average about 10,000 emergency calls per day and country. In Spain, we supply, among other things, the system to the emergency service that manages all 112 emergency calls in Valencia.


For this we are looking for support engineers that from our new office in Valencia will join our global support team.


The persons we a looking for:

  • have a deep interest in computers
  • understands the concept of clusters and distributed systems
  • have deep skills in the Windows Server environment (configure clusters, manage active directory, etc.)
  • knows how to install and handle Microsoft SQL Servers.
  • have skills in IP network configurations and troubleshooting.
  • are service minded and eager to make the customer satisfied.
  • are team players but also like to work on their own.
  • have a strong focus on quality.
  • see dynamic and complex problems as an opportunity for challenge.
  • speak Spanish and English fluently

The persons we are looking for will

  • Support the products and solutions delivered by Carmenta.
  • Receive, analyse and answer service requests from the customer.
  • Deliver and install correction packs, updates and upgrades at the customer site.
  • Be in contact with the end customer mainly in Spain and the Carmenta office in Gothenburg, Sweden to be able to help the customer in the best possible way.


CIGIP: Próxima oferta contrato de 2 años


El Centro de Investigación Gestión e Ingeniería de Producción (CIGIP) de la UPV sacará proximamente una oferta de contrato laboral por 2 años para trabajar en la «Gestión de los sistemas informáticos del CIGIP». El contrato será a tiempo completo con un salario bruto de 14 pagas de 1.125€.

Están pre-seleccionando posibles candidatos que puedan estar interesados.

Los candidatos tendrán que cumplir una serie de condiciones, entre ellas:

  •  Ingeniero/a Técnico en Informática o Graduado/a en Informática
  • Estar empadronado en cualquier localidad del territorio nacional español.
  • Tener más de 16 años y menos de 30 en el momento de solicitar la inscripción en el Fichero del Sistema Nacional de Garantía Juvenil.


Para más información:

Informacion Oferta


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