Hoy, lunes 17 octubre, presentación empresa KAHUNA

kahunaKahuna, una empresa holandesa hará una presentación el próximo lunes, 17 de octubre.

Hora: 12:30h
Lugar: Salón de Actos, 1H – ETSINF
La presentación irá a cargo de su director, Daniel van Slochteren.

La empresa está interesada en ofrecer prácticas y ofertas de trabajo.

Apúntalo en tu agenda!

Información empresa:

Since its creation in 1998 provides Kahuna (Managed) Security solutions to many organizations in industry, finance and government.

The portfolio Kahuna include: 

  • Next Generation Firewalls
  • Security information and event management (SIEM)
  • Policy Compliance & Vulnerability Management
  • Virtual & Cloud Security
  • Managed Security Services

Information security is shifting more and more from detection to prevention. Our view on this is reflected in the Kahuna Security Management Framework that includes a balanced approach to preventive and detective measures. For the interpretation of this, we work closely with reputable suppliers such as Palo Alto Networks , HP ArcSight , Trend Micro , Cyber-Ark and Websense .