Anuncio de Charla: «Business Modeling for Blockchain Applications»

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El próximo jueves 22 de noviembre a las 16:30 en el salón de actos de la ETSINF. El profesor  Roel Wieringa de la  University of Twente imparte la siguiente conferencia:

Business Modeling for Blockchain Applications

Blockchains are decentralized data structures that have attracted attention as the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies. Technology gurus have claimed them to be disruptive technologies, but many projects to apply them have prematurely ended, and a growing number of critics think the answer to the question “Do you need a blockchain?” is always “No”. At the same time, technology giants like IBM and Intel, and the R3 consortium of banks are developing distributed ledger frameworks. Including blockchain technologies, for which they see a clear business case.

In this talk I identify the core principles of blockchain technology and position it as one type of distributed ledger technology. I argue that the question “Do you need a blockchain?” is ill-conceived. To figure out what you can do with distributed ledger technologies in general, the important question is “What is the business model of your ecosystem?” I provide an overview of the business modeling method e3value and give examples of ecosystem business models with and without distributed ledger technology. In particular I present a business model of the Bitcoin network that shows that the bitcoin ecosystem is not financially nor environmentally sustainable.


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