El próximo viernes 29 de abril a las 8:30 en el aula 1E 2.3, Celia Lozano de la empresa Bosonit realiza la charla: Experiences With AI in a Smart Campus. An Investigation into Federated Learning, 0ptimizing, Forecasting… La charla se realiza dentro de la asignatura EDM del grado en Ciencia de Datos.
The Smart Campus is a Connected Campus, providing visibility of People, Places and Things, and an understanding of how they interact. Learn how your existing network can help Facilities and Faculties better understand how space and assets are utilised by staff and students. With real examples of how Universities are leveraging location for analytics and applications, this session examines not just what is possible, but what is actually being deployed today. Explore how the University wireless infrastructure can enable much more than just basic network connectivity, and instead deliver Insights and Experiences to change the way your staff works and your students learn. By using an IoT architecture which uses AI, machine learning, and next generation techiniques to improve use cases related, e.g. Federated Learning, optimizing, and Forecasting.
Celia Lozano
Hold +10 years of experience dealing with data, statistics and AI projects, firstly during my PhD studies of Statistical Physics at University of Navarra, later I got a Postdoctoral Max Planck Fellow at Intelligent System Institute in Germany. Since 5 years ago, I help companies to extract value from their data.
Currently, as Technical Lead, I manage a Team, envision strategies, develop new machine learning algorithms and apply my solid grasp of statistics. In addition, I collect, prepare, and analyze data, with the objective to solve business-related problems using data-driven techniques.