Bolsa de trabajo técnico/a en Informática – Ajuntament de Xirivella

Ajuntament de Xirivella
El Boletín Oficial de la Provincia (BOP) publica hoy sendos edictos del Ayuntamiento de Xirivella con las bases específicas que regularán los procesos de selección para la constitución de una nueva bolsa de trabajo municipal de técnico/a administrador de sistemas informáticos.

📅 Una vez publicadas las bases en el DOGV, los/las aspirantes dispondrán de 20 días hábiles, a contar desde el día siguiente de la publicación, para presentar instancia de participación en el proceso

🗣 El Ayuntamiento informará, a través de su web ( y sus perfiles en redes sociales, de la apertura del plazo.

Bases de técnico/a en informática 👇

Oferta de empleo Ingeniero/a de Desarrollo Software en AINIA


AINIA centro tecnológico, precisa incorporar a su plantilla de profesionales un/a:


Si te gusta la programación, la Inteligencia Artificial, la Visión Artificial, la Automatización, los retos y la creatividad para imaginar nuevas aplicaciones y verlas transformadas en realidad, entonces eres nuestro/a candidato/a. Se valora experiencia en programación en C, Visión Artificial y Deep Learning.

Las persona interesadas pueden enviar mail a con la ref. INA1020 o inscribirse en la página web de AINIA, apartado “Trabaja en AINIA”.

Para más información.


Amazon: Webinars for students


Amazon would like to invite students looking for internship and full-time opportunities to join one of our upcoming virtual events.


Non-Technical Opportunities for Students in Spain – 11 November

This event will focus on the non-technical (business) student opportunities available in Amazon’s Spanish offices. The webinar will start with an introduction to Amazon, then recent student hires will talk about their experience and projects. The recruiter will talk about the various opportunities and discuss the application process and share some tips. We will then finish with a Q&A. The session will be delivered in English. Register here. Please note, we will not be discussing technical opportunities such as software development during this session, it is focusing on our business roles such as retail, finance and sales.


Monthly Women’s Event Series: “Silencing your inner critic” – 27 October

Women are more likely than men to underestimate their own abilities. How can you overcome your inner critic and gain confidence? This session will provide key tips on how to fight an impostor syndrome and perform well in job interviews. This webinar will be delivered by Amazonians from different parts of the business, and will be hosted in English. The session will finish with the opportunity to ask questions to our Amazon panel. Register here.


Non-Technical interview skills workshop – 29 October

This workshop, delivered by Amazon recruiters will teach you about the recruiting process for business graduate schemes and internships. The workshop will focus on different types of interviews, some hints and tips on how to structure answers, and give some example questions. The session will finish with Q&A.  Register here.

Amazon – Upcoming events for students



Amazon would like to invite students looking for internship and full-time opportunities to join one of our upcoming virtual events.


Life at Amazon Webinar – 8 October

This session gives students an insight into life at Amazon. You’ll hear from graduates and recruiters who will be talking about what it’s like to work at Amazon, the Leadership Principles that underpin ways of working and how you can chart your own career path. This session will be delivered in English. Register here.


Amazon Virtual Carers Fair – 14 October 11am – 3pm CEST (GMT +1)

Amazon Student Programs will be hosting their first virtual careers fair, which will be open to students studying in and looking for roles across Europe and South Africa. Students will have the chance to speak to recruiters and recent joiners during the fair. Spaces are limited so we would encourage registering early. Register here.


Technical Interview skills workshop – 22 October

This workshop, delivered by Amazon interviewers and recruiters, will teach you about the recruiting process for technical graduate schemes and internships. The workshop will focus on interview topics that are likely to come up during the interview process for Amazon’s Software Development roles, sharing insights into how best to prepare and some example questions. The session will finish with Q&A with our interviewers and recruiters. Register here.


Monthly Women’s Event Series: “Imposter Syndrome” – 27 October

This webinar is targeted at women studying undergraduate or postgraduate degrees in EMEA. The session will focus on the topic of «Imposter Syndrome». The session will finish with the opportunity to ask questions to our Amazon panel! This webinar will be delivered by Amazonians from different parts of the business, including a Student Programs recruiter, and will be hosted in English. Register here.


Black History Month Webinar: Chart Your Own Career Path – 27 October

Want some tips and advice on how to navigate your career and Chart Your Own Path? Join us as we celebrate Black History Month with a panel session hearing from representatives from the UK Black Employee Network. You’ll have an opportunity to also ask questions to our live panel, and understand more about our recruitment opportunities. Register here.


Non-Technical interview skills workshop – 29 October

This workshop, delivered by Amazon recruiters will teach you about the recruiting process for business graduate schemes and internships. The workshop will focus on different types of interviews, some hints and tips on how to structure answers, and give some example questions. The session will finish with Q&A.  Register here.



CV Skills Workshop – Recorded session

This webinar is for students who are looking to apply for graduate or internship roles at Amazon in Europe. This workshop will focus on why CVs are used, how to stand out from the crowd, hints and tips and some example CVs. The session will finish with a Q&A. Please note this session has passed so the Q&A is not interactive. Watch the recording here.


Women’s speaker series: personal brand – Recorded session

This webinar is targeted at women studying undergraduate or postgraduate degrees in EMEA. The session will focus on personal branding tips, and how to make yourself stand out in the recruitment process and in the workplace. The session will finish with the opportunity to ask questions to our Amazon panel! Please note this session has passed so the Q&A is not interactive. Watch the recording here.


Traineeships opportunity at European Central Bank on IT security




The European Central Bank (ECB) is recruiting trainees in the field of IT security. The vacancy is available on the official website.

The deadline for submitting the application is 12 October 2020.

Who are we looking for?

Enthusiast and motivated graduates (at least bachelor’s degree) with a background in Sciences or Technology, and with an interest in IT security.

 What are we offering?

A unique opportunity to apply their skills and the knowledge acquired during their studies, enhance their employment prospects in the job market, and gain exposure to real projects and challenges in a vibrant international environment.

Traineeships are paid (1.070€ monthly, plus accommodation allowance).

Every trainee is assigned to a mentor to facilitate their integration within the organisation.

 How long is the traineeship?

Placements are between six and twelve months in duration.

More information: ITSecTraineeshipFlyer.


Cursos de Formación para el Empleo


Cursos gratuitos que están programados desde el SIE  (

Puedes consultar los detalles y cómo inscribirte a los cursos, a través del enlace.




05/10/20  –  05/11/20


13/10/20  – 13/11/20


15/10/20  –  15/11/20


19/10/20   –  19/11/20


29/10/20   –  29/11/20




El Servicio Integrado de Empleo de la UPV, retoma este mes de septiembre una de sus principales actividades desarrolladas con gran éxito en meses anteriores, U-CONNECT.

Esta actividad consiste en la realización de una serie de webinars con empresas, en los que nos dan a conocer, sus ofertas de trabajo, sus procesos de selección, la carrera profesional que puedes desarrollar en ella, además de responder a todas las dudas que puedan surgir a los participantes.

Comenzaremos con nuestro primer U-CONNECT, el próximo jueves 24 de septiembre a las 12h, en el que tendrás la oportunidad de participar en un chat para aclarar todas las dudas que puedas tener a cerca de tu empleabilidad.

En esta ocasión, serán los Técnicos del Servicio Integrado de Empleo los que te atenderán personalmente para orientarte en tiempo real sobre cualquier aspecto que te inquiete de tu carrera profesional, y te aconsejarán sobre:

  • Cómo elaborar el CV

  • Dudas en la búsqueda de empleo

  • Cómo enfrentarte a los procesos de selección de las empresas y a las entrevistas

  • Cómo sacar provecho al Servicio de Empleo de la UPV durante toda tu vida profesional.

Para poder participar, conéctate por Zoom, el próximo 24 de septiembre a las 12h a través del siguiente enlace:

Contraseña: MmvpQ1

Confiamos que os resulte a todos interesante esta actividad y esperamos vuestra participación.



Oferta empleo – LABORATORIOS ATL

Buscamos un programador o técnico informático para llevar a cabo tareas de desarrollo y soporte de software.

Se requiere experiencia y conocimientos previos demostrables, principalmente como programador Java J2SE.

Se valorarán conocimientos en fotografía y/o en manejo de herramientas de diseño (Photoshop).

Se ofrece:
– Estabilidad
– Jornada intensiva mañanas
– Salario acorde al nivel y experiencia

  • Tipo de industria de la oferta: Fotografía

  • Número de vacantes: 1

  • Contacto:

    Laboratorios ATL Colormatic
    963 182 189 (ext. 2)